Saturday, June 28, 2008

A tall chick joins from the low countries...

I'd like to welcome with open elongated arms our first female TPLF member...

Je vous presente Katrien 'Kat' Timmermans...

She is, in her own words...

female (but wearing trousers at times) - hate basketball - always being asked in supermarkets to take the cereal box from the upper shelf - find kitchen benches annoyingly low built - heaps of other tall people frustrations - want to join TPLF and am keen on crossing swords with the small people world and fight for my rights.

Firstly - we can overlook the wearing of trousers, as I know you and know that you (being Belgian) would never in your right mind wear them with a tucked in shirt in a German manner...
Since you qualify for the TPLF above and beyond in every other way:

On behalf of all TPLF Supreme Dictators, I'd like to welcome you, Kat, to the Dictator club for tall people. A free t-shirt is only the beginning of your reward...


Jona Turle esq.

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